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Now Citric Acid - 454 grams

Regular price $26.99

Citric Acid helps to inhibit the formation of mold and other bacterial growth, an all-too-common occurrence when sprouting in a jar due to high temperatures and humidity.

Brand: Now Foods
Format: Powder
Amount: 454 grams

General Product Information:
If you're into sprouting, then you're already familiar with citric acid, a natural preservative typically found in citrus fruits such as lemons and limes. Citric acid is a food grade acid that helps to preserve vitamin C and inhibit discolouration and the growth of mold and bacteria. It is useful for sprouting seeds and preserving foods for canning, drying, and freezing.

Ingredient: Pure citric acid.

For sprouting: add one teaspoon per litre of water for soaking and rinsing seeds.
For preserving: add one teaspoon per litre of water or juice for most fruits and vegetables.

Product Information on this Page was Last Update on: January 31, 2025.